Mind Tricks: Illusions, Blind Spots, Biases, Fallacies

Mind Tricks: Illusions, Blind Spots, Biases, Fallacies

from $1.00

This section of the class is now full. Please contact us to be on the wait-list for future sections.


Pay What you Want! (This allows us meet our accessibility and diversity goals.)

Ages 11-14.

Meets on Zoom on Fridays, 12:30-1:30 Pacific Time Starting Aug 7, 2020.

Led by Paradox Lab founder, Dr. Iris Oved.

In this 4-session class, students will explore some of the biggest errors of the mind: sensory illusions, attentional blind-spots, cognitive biases, and reasoning fallacies.

Refund Policy: Full refund up to 48 hours prior to first session. Prorated for missed sessions upon request.

****Note: For this class to work, we must have at minimum 3 students enrolled. If this minimum is not reached by 48 hours prior to the first session, we will cancel and issue a full refund.


Each lesson will include demonstrations of mental errors and discussions of what is going on in the mind/brain to make them happen.

WEEK 1 (Aug 7): Sensory Illusions: optical illusions, visual-auditory illusions, flavor illusions, magic tricks.

WEEK 2 (Aug 14): Attentional Blind Spots: visual attention, auditory attention, attention and misdirection in magic tricks.

WEEK 3 (Aug 21): Logical Fallacies: Ad hominem, Strawman, Hasty Generalization, Causation from Correlation, Equivocation.

WEEK 4 (Aug 28): Cognitive Biases: Gambler’s fallacy, Confirmation Bias, Availability Heuristic, Anchoring. Implicit vs Explicit Bias (race, gender, age, religion, nationality).

Learning Goals: Students will learn many of the ways our minds can be fooled and learn some of the relevant science about information processing in the brain. They will learn about their own implicit biases and discuss ways to overcome them. They will also gain skills for self-reflection, self-expression, listening, and perspective-taking.

There will be some optional homework (approx. 2hrs/week).

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