Dr. Iris Oved

Iris is the founding director of The Paradox Lab, a San Francisco based non-profit org aimed at sharing philosophical inquiry with youth and the public. She hosts workshops at K-12 schools and community centers and also hosts a monthly Philosophy and AGI Salon for adults. She received her doctorate in Philosophy and Cognitive Science from Rutgers University in 2009, with a dissertation on Concept Acquisition (under Jerry Fodor, Jason Stanley, and Matthew Stone). She then spent 2 years as an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow in Machine Learning followed by 4 years of research in Developmental Psychology at UC San Diego and UC Berkeley.

Between teaching gigs, Iris does research in philosophy and cognitive science, specializing in learning and development in children, scientists, and robots. She is currently working with an interdisciplinary team to study the development of mental and linguistic representations by building virtual robot toddlers that explore their virtual environments through play.


  • (2024) Iris Oved, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky, & Joshua Hartshorne. Computational Thought Experiments for a More Rigorous Philosophy and Science of the Mind. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Vol 46. Available Here.

  • (2023) Iris Oved, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky, & Joshua Hartshorne. Neither neural networks nor the language-of-thought alone make a complete game. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, Volume 46, e285. Available Here.

  • (2023) Iris Oved, Carlos Montemayor, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky, Joshua Hartshorne. The View from Outside the Matrix: Doing Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science with Virtual Worlds. Proceedings of The Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina. May 2023.

  • (2023) Nikhil Krishnaswamy, Iris Oved, Joshua Hartshorne, James Pustejovsky. Meaning to Mean: A Precondition for Sentience and Understanding in Large Language Models. Proceedings of The Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina. May 2023.

  • (2023) Elan Ohayon, Carlos Montemayor, Eizleayne Edrosa, Iris Oved. From Homeostasis to Homeodynamics: A Playful Examination of the Confluence of Agency, Identity and Sentience. Proceedings of The Science of Consciousness Conference, Taormina. May 2023.

  • (2016) V. Minces, A. Khalil, I. Oved, C. Challen, A. Chiba. Listening to Waves: Using Computer Tools to Learn Science through Making Music. Edulearn16, Proceedings, pp. 3844-3852.

  • (2016) Iris Oved, Pierina Cheung, Fabiola Orozco, David Barner. Generics and the Acquisition of Essentialist Concepts. Proceedings of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology Conference. April, 2016.

  • (2015) Iris Oved, Shaun Nichols, & David Barner. A Learning Model for Essentialist Concepts. Proceedings of the Fifth Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics.

  • (2015) Iris Oved, Pierina Cheung, Shaun Nichols, David Barner. How Essentialist Concepts Might Be Acquired. Proceedings of the Cognitive Development Society Conference. Columbus, OH. October, 2015.

  • (2014) Iris Oved. Hypothesis Formation and Testing in the Acquisition of Atomic Concepts. Philosophical Studies.

  • (2014) Iris Oved, Pierina Cheung, & David Barner. Concepts as Representations for Essences: Evidence from Use of Generics. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Conference, 2014.

  • (2014) Iris Oved, Gail Heyman, & David Barner. Magical Thinking: Outcome Bias Affects Children’s Evaluation of Testimony. Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society Conference, 2014.

  • (2012) Cole Sohn, Maxwell Mainman, & Iris Oved. Selves in Video Games: Reflections by Two Middle-Schoolers in an After School Program on Consciousness. American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers.

  • (2012) Iris Oved. Puzzles About Consciousness for Kids of All Ages. Proceedings of Toward a Sciences of Consciousness. Tucson, AZ, April 2012.

  • (2011) Iris Oved & Ian Fasel. Philosophically Inspired Concept-Acquisition for Artificial General Intelligence. Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Mountain View, CA.

  • (2010) Iris Oved & Terry Horgan. Commentary on John Pollock's “Probabilities for AI”. American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Computers.

  • (2009) Iris Oved. Baptizing Meanings for Concepts. Doctoral Dissertation. Graduate School - New Brunswick Electronic Theses and Dissertations. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Available Here.

  • (2009) Iris Oved. Baptizing Meanings for Simple Concepts. Proceedings of the
    Twentieth Midwest Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
    . MAICS-09. Fort Wayne, Indiana. April18-19. Pg 104-109.

  • (2006) David DeVault, Iris Oved, & Matthew Stone. Societal Grounding is Essential to Meaningful Language Use. Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06). Boston, July 2006.

  • (2006) Iris Oved. Exploring the Role of Qualia in the Intentionality of Thought. Toward a Science of Consciousness. Tucson, AZ. April 2006. Poster Prize Winner.

  • (2005) John Pollock & Iris Oved. Vision, Knowledge, and the Mystery Link. Philosophical Perspectives. Blackwell. Pg 309-351. Available Here.

  • (2005) David DeVault, Natalia Kariaeva, Anubha Kothari, Iris Oved, & Matthew Stone. An Information-State Approach to Collaborative Reference. Association for Computational Linguistics. Proceedings Companion Volume, Pgs 1-4.

  • (2000) Iris Oved, Linda W. Norrix, & Merrill F. Garrett. Identity priming using McGurk stimuli as primes. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol108, No.5, p.2482. Newport Beach, CA, December 2000.

  • (2000) Linda W. Norrix, Iris Oved, & Lawrence D. Rosenblum. Auditory-visual context effects in a speech and nonspeech condition. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Vol. 107, No.5, pg. 2887. St Louis, MO. July 2000.